Every attorney-at-law who holds a current practicing certificate has been assigned a unique attorney number which appears on the practicing certificate.
Effective September 1, 2011, all attorneys-at-law other than law officers of the crown and legal officers of government when acting in that capacity are advised to indicate their attorney number on all documents filed or lodged by them in any public or official registry, including the offices of the Registrar of Titles and the Registrar of Companies and the registries of the courts.
B. St. Michael Hylton, Q.C.
No comments but questions
I would love you to answer these questions How many attorneys have been (disbarred) taken off the role of practicing attorneys since the beginning of this year having been convicted on criminal charges or are disbarred by the GLC for breaches of discipline
Is the numbers increasing or decreasing
How many attorneys are in the courts on criminal charges and how many are currently being investigated by the GLC on disciplinary charges
How many attorneys are registered with the GLC
Are the number of delinquent debarred attorneys on the rise